Denim and Camo
Tags: ASOS, ASOS Curve, Evans, fat fashion, fatshion, H&M, Junarose, Maybelline, OOTD, plus size, Simply Be, Yours Clothing
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Hello lovies,
Let me tell you, THIS DRESS is just amazing! I knew I wanted it as soon as I saw it online, and when I finally tried it on I was so happy :)! I feel that it goes with everything, and even though it is saggy and huge, it is still super cute. I have worn it quite a few times during these past few weeks, and yes, I have nothing but love for it. (Disclaimer: No, I haven’t been paid or compensated to say these things.. If I say I love an item, I really do love it.)
Note: The jacket is a sample from Junarose AW14 range, so if you like it, keep it in mind for late summer.

Jacket / Takki*: M, Junarose – sample (bomber at Simply Be, camo at Forever 21+, Simply Be) | Dress / Mekko: 24, ASOS Curve | Leggings: 22, Evans | Boots / Saappaat*: Simply Be UK (EU) | Necklace / Kaulakoru: H&M (similar at River Island) | Clutch / Laukku: Yours Clothing | Glasses / Rillit: Select Specs | Lippy / Huulipuna: Maybelline Color Sensational Vivids in Fuchsia Flash
Täytyy nyt vähän hehkuttaa, sillä TÄÄ MEKKO on ihan uskomaton! Tiesini haluavani sen heti, kun näin sen ASOS:illa, ja kun vihdoin sitten tilasin ja kokeilin, niin naama oli leveässä hymyssä :). Tää mekko oikeesti sopii kaiken kanssa, ja vaikka ois millanen pöhöttyny olo yms, ni ai haittaa, sillä tää mekko ei ahista! Ja vaikka tää onkin iso ja tuollainen säkkimäinen, niin silti se on tosi söpö. Olen viimeisen parin viikon aikana käyttänyt tätä monesti, ja ei kyllä löydy kuin rakkautta sen suuntaan. (Huom. Mulle ei ole maksettu näistä kehuista eikä mun mielipiteistä.. jos täällä sanon tykkääväni jostain tuotteesta, niin tykkään siitä kyllä ihan oikeasti.)
I love this dress – I’ve been debating buying it for a while, but will definitely pick it up now that I see how lovely it looks IRL!
I’m very tempted by this one myself, Hanna. I have a real weakness for loose denim dresses. They really do go with everything, though I wish the neckline on this one was just a tiny bit lower. Would you say it runs true to size or would you advise going down a size? I can never tell with ASOS.
It is a lovely dress! And actually I don’t mind the neckline, works well with statement necklaces. I bought my usual Asos size.. But it is so loose that I could have sized down too. So depends on how loose you’ll want it to be. xx
Thanks for that. I shall cogitate!